Adorage Effects Package 13 Kickass

  1. Adorage For Edius 8

ProDAD Adorage – More than 17000 Filters and Transitions: All Adorage-packages complete. ProDAD Adorage All-in-One:the entire Adorage library with all effects! More than 17,000 effects in 13 available packages are included in this collection. For every situation the perfect effect- with Adorage All-in-one! Plug-ins Supported: Adobe.

The full results of the above tests:This is one game (which incidentally I'm not interested in playing).I notice a few things about those figures. Firstly the new cards are present in some and absent in others. It's almost as if the results they published were only included if they show what the Nvidia marketing department want them to show.Secondly I notice the disparity between the Vega 64 and its direct competitor cards (1070Ti) where the AMD cards underperform relative to the competition. I cannot stop twinkling. We can therefore deduce that this game is being optimised for Nvidia cards and therefore will probably show the 20XX series at its best.Thirdly, I expect this is on underdeveloped drivers Vs mature platforms so how representative this will be of final performance, we don't know.


Performance could be artificially increased or suffering due to lack of optimisation. I notice a few things about those figures. Firstly the new cards are present in some and absent in others. It's almost as if the results they published were only included if they show what the Nvidia marketing department want them to show.The 2080ti is shown for every result from 1440p standard quality onwards.It's equally plausible Sqaure Enix didn't test the card at lower settings knowing nobody will have bought a 2080ti to play below 1440p medium settings (in the absence of ray tracing).What useful thing would you learn about the 2080ti at 1280 x 720, Lite Quality?

Nobody would be doing that except for curiosity, and these results are about a game's performance, not a deep investigation of the 20 series. The 2080ti is shown for every result from 1440p standard quality onwards.It's equally plausible Sqaure Enix didn't test the card at lower settings knowing nobody will have bought a 2080ti to play below 1440p medium settings (in the absence of ray tracing).What useful thing would you learn about the 2080ti at 1280 x 720, Lite Quality? Nobody would be doing that except for curiosity, and these results are about a game's performance, not a deep investigation of the 20 series.The Ti is shown but I wouldn't ever consider one, I'm far more interested in the card which is mysteriously missing from some of the graphs. I don't think the argument about them not testing due to use case is valid as they've tested everything else on every conceivable setting regardless of whether anyone would use it. I doubt it's an oversight so either these are incomplete results which seems unlikely given the completeness of everything else. I suspect there's a marketing reason. I doubt it's an oversight so either these are incomplete results which seems unlikely given the completeness of everything else.

Adorage For Edius 8

I suspect there's a marketing reason.I haven't monitored the Square Enix page for FF XV benchmarks, but I would think all the results except for the 20 series cards were already there. Personally if I was the person doing the tests I would feel very foolish testing the 2080ti at 720p low settings.What would be the point of surreptitious marketing within 48 hours of the reviews going live?