The Gold Within Divinity


TheDivinity RingThe Ring evokes many names due to its powerful and multifacetedenergy patterns. This is because its other dimensional qualitiescannot be easily described within 3rd dimensional limitations.We considered the following possibilities for naming it: the DivinityRing, the Cosmic Cross, the Cosmic Bridge, and the Chakra Bridge.We call it the Divinity Ring and suggest that you describe yourring by a name that resonates with youThe following material was gathered as we researched the timelessorigins of this shape and as we felt its awesome power. It isa universal symbol that has appeared throughout recorded historyand it transcends all cultures. It is iconographical in Australia,the Americas, Asia, Africa and Europe. This basic shape has beenknown as the Medicine Wheel, the True Cross, the Sacred Hoop,the Sacred Circle, the Wheel Cross and the Circle Cross. The meaningsattributed to this symbol have been as varied as its’ name.It has been known to represent the four directions, the four races,the four stages of human growth ( from baby to elder), the fourcycles of life throughout creation, the four elements, and thefour seasons. Since this symbol is all encompassing, it providesa framework to move us into a sense of wholeness, unity and balance, both within ourselves and within our world.The Krystaline Divinity Ring utilizes the principles of sacredgeometry and piezoelectric fields.

Each Ring is hand crafted withbrass rod and is then plated with various precious metals. Twooptions are provided for the final layer of plating - 24 caratgold or platinum. Gold provides a feminine energy while the platinumprovides a masculine energy.

At different times, we will resonatemore to one than the other. The Divinity Rings are effective inpairs - a gold and a platinum ring together create a powerfulelectrical field ( like a battery) which can be very beneficial.All rings are available in 4 inch or 13 inch diameter.

Talking to one of the rats in that area reveals that there is no 'gold within'. So what about achievment with mirror image then? Mirror achievment is from first location, it's about solving puzzle with mirror dungeons west from Cyceal, it requires 4 people tho. Ifan (207, 180), Lohse (206, 167), and Sebille (210, 120) are all within close proximity to recruit. Beast, however, is a short distance away working on a shipwreck (127, 162) on a beach west of Fort Joy. Talk to the companions you wish to recruit. Be warned, some of the conversations will trigger side quests. Part 11: Exploring Luculla Mines. You will be at the Luculla Mines for a while, especially taking into account the journey to get there. The battles will be pretty easy, assuming you're at.

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The DivinityRing assists the integration of spiritual energies into our consciousawareness and our physical being.ChakrasThe Chakra Energy System functions as a conduit through whichdivine energy passes into the physical body. Traditionally, sevenmajor chakras have been known to reside within the physical body.These seven energy portals rest at various points along the body.It is easy to source published literature on chakras in books,and/or on the internet. Since chakras are the main energy centresof our physical bodies, they are of great importance to our overallwell being - physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. The DivinityRing helps to open and to balance these chakras.Eighth ChakraMany people are now opening their 8th Chakra. The 8th Chakraenergies are the portal to higher awareness, guidance and soulpurpose. This chakra holds the energy centre of Divine love andof spiritual compassion.

The Divinity Ring helps individuals toaccess the energy of their 8th Chakra. This chakra is the firstof the spiritual centres and sits from 5 to 10 inches above the7th or Crown Chakra.

As the 8th centre opens and expands, a newspiritual awareness forms and spiritual abilities begin to awaken.The 8th Chakra is a gateway to expanded ideas, concepts and abilities,so be prepared to let go of old patterns and to expand your understandingof creation. These new energy patterns may feel unsettling, soknowing how to 'ground' is beneficial. Grounding exercisesare found in most chakra literature. One exercise is explainedin step 3 of Chakra applications on the following page. Connectingwith Mother Earth and with Nature is definitely helpful.Chakra ApplicationEnvision your chakras open and flowing as you do the following:. Place the Divinity Ring on or above each chakra until thechakra feels as opened and balanced as is appropriate.

The Gold Within Divinity Original Sin

DeathThe gold within divinity original sin

Focuson bringing all chakras into balance. The goal is to maintainbalance in your energy centers rather than fully opening onewhile others remain blocked. Place or hold the Divinity Ring above your head. This placementhelps to open your 8th Chakra and allows its energy to flowmore freely into your physical energy centres. Remember that you have a zero chakra at the base of your feet.While you are allowing the flow of your higher energy to comeinto your body, feel it also running through your zero chakraand grounding into the Earth. At the end of your session, youmay wish to place the Divinity Ring alternatively under theball of each foot to facilitate grounding.As you become aware of your chakras, and the flow both withinand between them, you can sweep the Ring from head to toe, orthe reverse, whichever feels most appropriate.MeditationYou can meditate with the Divinity Ring and experience what isappropriate for you at the time.

As you continue to grow and evolve,the meditations will change - different meanings will arise inyour consciousness. The circle may represent Unity or Oneness.The Cross may focus you on separation through division, or itmay symbolize a meeting in the center ( a drawing in or a focusingof awareness into one point). The sacred view of the Mayan andthe North American indigenous peoples is that Spiritual qualitiesarrive in the Material World from each direction. When we 'centre'we can see and hear 'Spirit' by reading the informationcoming in from the directions. You may choose to explore centeringwith the Divinity Ring. Other Applications:. Charge your food or beverage by placing it on or over theDivinity Ring for 2 to 3 seconds.

It will be imbued with theDivinity Vibration. With pairs, you may hold a ring above yourfood while it is charging on the one below.

Charge your bedroom with Divinity Ring energy. Hang a ringon the wall, place one beside your bed (or one on either sideof your bed), place one under your pillow - whatever feels rightfor you. Hang the Divinity Ring in any room to provide an upliftingenergy.