Elemental Arrows Skyrim Special Edition
Skyrim Revisited: Legendary EditionA STEP hosted mod guide created and maintained by Neovalen.Last Update: 13:24:04 23 May 2017 (UTC)Help support STEP! ALL donations are applied to operating expenses.- Visit the Skyrim Revisited section of the STEP forums to or related to this guide.- This guide is graciously hosted by STEP and solely maintained by Neovalen in his spare time. Contributions directly to, or alternatively to for site hosting are welcome.- are some recent sample images for how the game should look when completed with the guide. Contents.Introduction and SummarySkyrim Revisited: Legendary Edition is a mod guide designed to keep up with the ever changing Skyrim mod landscape. Notice: Do NOT install the script files at this time. These will be installed later as part of the section. v3Download the archive manually.
Install only the following files to the main Skyrim folder:. d3dx942.dllTools. v16.02The function of this tool is to open archives manually when not using other tools as it handles most modern compression schemes and is free to use. 1.0.1The function of thid tool is to decompile pex scripts to source code.
20 Mods You Should Get For Skyrim: Special Edition on Xbox One and PS4. Elemental Destruction Magic. Use found deadwood to build hatchets, arrows, and other useful creations. Welcome to Skyrim, Creation Club You have just become the new bastard child. As Arthmoor stated, there is a lot of work to do to get SKSE to run with Skyrim Special Edition; any changes to the game that Bethesda makes, it will cause SKSE to stop running. Apr 14, 2018 The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition. +Elemental Arrows By Fuma +HearthFires Display Case Fix SE +The Eyes Of Beauty SSE +Insignificant Object Remover +Diverse Guards Skyrim +Tera Armors Collection SSE +Immersive HUD - iHUD Special Edition +NPC's Run and Walk at Your Pace.
This is a prerequisite for. v0.8.0 Pre-Release Update 4 The function of this tool is to optimize and re-mip textures.
v2.1.1The function of this tool is to allow the user to quickly and easily switch between ENB configurations. v0.9.2The function of this tool is to provide a default ESM/ESP file ordering between various mods, help identify mods that require cleaning with TES5Edit, and provide bash tags. 2.1.3The function of this tool is to merge plugin files. v1.3.11 Installer In the installer, check 'Handle NXM Links'.
This allows direct downloading of mods using the 'Download With Manager' button on Nexus mod pages.The function of this tool is to manage mods and is the mod manager of choice for this guide. The reasons for this are listed below:. Profiles allow multiple configurations set up per character and/or playthrough. Mod Downloads via NXM allows downloading of mods directly using the 'Download With Manager' button on the Nexus site. Mod Version Tracking uses the power of the Nexus site to track major mod updates. However, this is not a replacement for the track file option on the actual Nexus site for optional downloads!.
BAIN Installer Compatibility allows the use of BAIN packages. NMM Installer Compatibility allows the use of Nexus Mod Manager installers. Manual Installation Option allows modification and selection of the data folder in an archive manually, allowing fixes of path problems at install time. Virtual File System allows a clean base Skyrim installation without the mess of moving files. Additionally extends this file system to other tools such as LOOT, TES5Edit, and Wrye Bash. v3.1.3 - 285d440 This is a Fallout 4 download site, however, this tool also works for Skyrim when the executable is named TES5Edit.exe (Currently Default).The function of this tool is to remove Identical To Master(ITM) records, Undelete Deleted Records(UDR), and clean dirty edits as specified by the guide the ESMs and ESPs that Skyrim will be loading. v306 Standalone The function of this tool is to manage mods and create Bashed Patches.
Bashed Patches merge the leveled lists from the installed mods and has some limited functionality to merge mods and tweak game values. For the purposes of this guide, only the Bashed Patch functionality will be used.All Journeys Begin With The First Step. The first step, my son, which one makes in the world, is the one on which depends the rest of our days.VoltaireThe road of the Dovahkiin begins slowly and with purposeful resolve.Configure SkyrimUpon downloading Skyrim from Steam there are no ini files pre-generated. Thus, it is imperative to run the launcher and generate the initial set of ini files and do basic setup.Start The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim through the Steam context menu to open the launcher.Click 'Options'.Click the Ultra push-button.Set 'Aspect Ratio' and 'Resolution' through the drop down box. Notice: A backup of the original file will be created with a.bak extension for easy restoration of the vanilla file if desired.
Configure Mod OrganizerWith Skyrim and the Creation Kit properly configured, the next step is to initially set up our mod management utility and create a 'Vanilla Skyrim' profile.Start Mod Organizer.If this is the first run, Mod Organizer will prompt to select which game to manage, select Skyrim.Mod Organizer will then prompt to show a tutorial. It is highly recommended to click Yes if not familiar with the tool.Click the Configure Profiles button at the top of the window. The icon looks like an id card.Verify 'Automatic Archive Invalidation' and 'Local Savegames' are unchecked.Click Create and type 'Vanilla Skyrim' in the text box.Verify that 'Default Game Settings' is unchecked then click OK.
The 'Vanilla Skyrim' profile will appear in the list.Select the 'Default' profile and click Remove. Select Yes when prompted.Close the dialogue by clicking Close.Verify that 'Vanilla Skyrim' is the currently selected profile in the 'Profile' drop-down above the left-pane of the Mod Organizer window. Notice: Mod Organizer has created a local copy of the current Skyrim.ini and SkyrimPrefs.ini to be used when running this profile. Throughout the guide, these copies will be modified with the various changes leaving the default ini files untouched.Now, final preparations must be made to use our mod manager and other tools to their fullest extent.Click the Settings button at the top of the main Mod Organizer window. Notice: The game and related tool programs must be run through Mod Organizer which allows them to see the virtual data folder.
Desktop shortcuts can be created for this function by clicking the Shortcut button on the far right of the display below the Run button.By default the install and plugin load order in Mod Organizer is slightly scrambled. To fix the install order, perform the following steps:In the left pane of Mod Organizer drag and drop the 'Non-MO' category mods that represent the DLCs to the following order:. Dawnguard. HearthFires.
Dragonborn. HRDLC1. HRDLC2. HRDLC3The plugin order can be fixed by running LOOT to do a quick sort.
Perform the following steps:Select 'LOOT' from the drop-down above the right pane of the Mod Organizer window.Click the Run push button.Find the icon that looks like a horizontal bar graph (mouse over text should state 'Sort Plugins') and click it.After some processing, the calculated load order is displayed in the right pane of LOOT. Click the Apply button to apply the load order.Click the X on the title bar to close LOOT.This process loads LOOT through the Mod Organizer interface to sort the current ESMs/ESPs in the virtual data folder.
For now this only consists of the base game and DLC ESM/ESP files. Note in the Mod Organizer window the load order has been corrected to match the output from LOOT.
'Skyrim.esm' and 'Update.esm' are at the top of the load order, greyed and checked. To load all the DLC content along with the base game for the 'Vanilla Skyrim' profile:Check the box next to the DLC ESMs but leave the HRDLC ESPs unchecked in the 'Plugins' tab of the Mod Organizer right pane.This has enabled the Dawnguard, Hearthfires, and Dragonborn DLCs for use in the game. The High Resolution DLC is not currently enabled. A powerful feature of MO is that it can load and manage BSA files without their corresponding ESP files by use of the 'Archives' tab in the right pane. To enable the HRDLC without their corresponding ESPs active, perform the following:Open the 'Archives' tab in the right pane of Mod Organizer.Verify the box adjacent to 'Have MO manage archives' is checked.Verify the boxes adjacent to HighResTexturePack01.bsa, HighResTexturePack02.bsa, and HighResTexturePack03.bsa are checked.
Notice: Note that the High Resolution DLC ESPs are dummies and are only there to load their associated BSA files. If a dummy ESP is enabled by Mod Organizer a broom icon is posted next to the ESP file in the 'Plugins' tab.
Using this method, we have bypassed the need for those dummy ESPs and saved 3 slots. The maximum number of plugins that can be loaded by Skyrim is 256 including the base Skyrim.esm. Create The Skyrim Revisited ProfileNow that an established clean 'Vanilla Skyrim' profile has been created an unmodified Skyrim may be run at any time with the click of a button. However, the goal of the guide is to mod Skyrim and so a new profile must be established to contain 'Skyrim Revisited' and its collection of ini tweaks and mods. Perform the following:Click the Configure Profiles icon at the top of the main Mod Organizer window. The icon looks like an id card.Select 'Vanilla Skyrim' then click Copy.Type 'Skyrim Revisited' in the text box and hit OK.During the above process, Mod Organizer created an exact copy of the 'Vanilla Skyrim' profile into a new profile named 'Skyrim Revisited'. In the section, SKSE was installed without the required script files.
This preserved a pristine vanilla Skyrim/Data folder but SKSE will not function properly without the supplied scripts. They will now be used to showcase how to add a mod to Mod Organizer. Perform the following steps:Click the small screwdriver and wrench icon adjacent to the 'Profile' drop-down and select 'Install Mod.' .Navigate to the downloaded SKSE archive and click Open.Replace the default text, if any, in the 'Name' text box with 'Skyrim Script Extender'. This is the name that will be displayed in the left pane post-installation.In the file tree, navigate to the 'Data' folder inside the archive, right-click and select 'Set Data Directory'. Only the Scripts folder should be visible and checked.Click OK.The mod will now be displayed with an empty check box in the mod window.
This mod is now installed but not yet enabled for use by the game. Also, note that Mod Organizer does not have a version number or category set for this mod. To resolve this, perform the following:Right-click the mod and select 'Information.' (Alternatively, double click the mod name.)In the 'Categories' tab, check the box next to 'Patches' to add that category to this mod.In the 'Nexus Info' tab, set the version number to the installed SKSE version number but set the Mod ID to -1.This has set the proper version number and category for this mod. The color of the text also indicates that SKSE is not available on the Nexus. Look at the File Tree tab to see the contents of the folder that will be virtually placed inside the Skyrim/Data folder. Note the meta.ini file is shown which Mod Organizer uses to store all the related data for the mod and it will not be visible to the game when executed.
Notice: Any mods downloaded directly into Mod Organizer from the Nexus will have one or more of the data fields automatically filled based on Nexus server provided information. Click Close to save and exit the window.Mods version numbers that can be verified by the Nexus will be either Green(Current+) or Red(Out Of Date). To make the mod visible to the game:Check the box adjacent to the mod name.The files located inside this mod folder will now be visible to any programs executed through Mod Organizer as if they were placed inside of the Skyrim/Data folder. Any conflicts are handled by Mod Organizer in priority order (higher priority overwrites lower priority). Give this a try now:Select 'SKSE' in the drop down above the right pane then click Run.This will execute the game through Mod Organizer using the SKSELoader.exe.
The Mod Organizer window will close as SKSE is automatically configured to do so. At this point, SKSE is now properly installed with all included script functionality.Exit the game.With the current setup, Mod Organizer may swap between an SKSE-only enabled profile 'Skyrim Revisited' and a non- SKSE enabled 'Vanilla Skyrim' profile. If it is desired to play the game in a pristine vanilla form at any time simply select the 'Vanilla Skyrim' profile then select and run 'Skyrim' in the drop-down above the right pane.
Alternatively, the game may be run directly through Steam as the vanilla data files are not changed.Clean The Bethesda ESMsWith profiles now set up properly, it is time to begin modding some vanilla game files. To increase stability, TES5Edit will be used to clean ITMs and UDRs from Bethesda 's ESMs. This improves compatibility between the various DLCs and lessens the chance of instability in Skyrim. Perform the following:Start Mod Organizer.Select 'TES5Edit' from the drop down above the right pane and click Run.Right-click inside the file listing and select 'None'.Check the box adjacent to Update.esm and click OK. Wait for the message 'Background Loader: finished' to appear in the right pane.Right-click Update.esm and select 'Apply Filter For Cleaning'. Wait for the message 'Filtering Done' to appear in the right pane.Right-click Update.esm and select 'Remove Identical To Master Records'. Wait for the message 'Removing Identical to Master records done'.Right-click Update.esm and select 'Undelete and Disable References'.
Wait for the message 'Undeleting and Disabling References done'.Click the X on the title bar to close TES5Edit.Verify the box adjacent to Update.esm is checked and also that 'Backup Plugins' is checked then click OK.Update.esm has now been cleaned, meaning that any improperly removed records or edited records that were identical to the base Skyrim.esm file have been fixed.Repeat the process above for all of the DLC ESMs in order selecting only one at a time. Do NOT attempt to clean Skyrim.esm itself.
Dawnguard.esm must also be cleaned twice to remove all duplicate records.Normally, when a file is cleaned through TES5Edit using Mod Organizer it is automatically moved back to it's original mod folder and any generated files are moved to /overwrite. In the case of the base Bethesda ESM files there is no source mod and so post cleaning the cleaned ESMs are left in the Skyrim/Data folder while the backups are moved to the overwrite folder. Notice: Important! Make sure DDSOpt is configured per the section before following these steps.DDSopt performs optimization of texture files by eliminating redundancies, ensuring proper compression format, and recalculating scale-corrected mipmaps using a variety of custom algorithms.
Several different types of texture files are used in object modeling in Skyrim, and DDSopt can recognize most types and be told how to treat unknowns using its ini configuration file.Both vanilla and modded texture packs are often composed of textures saved in an inefficient compression format in relation to the texture function. This translates into textures often being 2x larger than necessary or worse due to inclusion of redundancies that add no useful information. Like unnecessary white space in this guide, the net effect is that more memory(both RAM and VRAM) is required to render these 'bloated' textures, which in turn costs valuable resources and hampers performance.In addition to bloat, improperly-formatted textures may also lack important information in the form of mipmap levels required for scaling the texture in game. What are mipmaps?
Elemental Arrows Skyrim Special Edition Download
Notice: If on an SSD and drive space is a concern, deleting HighResTexturePack01.bsa/.esp, HighResTexturePack02.bsa/esp, and HighResTexturePack03.bsa/.esp will not negatively affect the game unless running fully vanilla. To reacquire them at any time use the Verify integrity of game cache function from the Steam library options. This will remove the Unmanaged: HighResTexturePack entries in Mod Organizer. Notice: Critically Important! The first time a mod is installed that contains.bsa file Mod Organizer will prompt to extract it.
Respond Yes and check the box labeled 'Remember Selection' to prevent future prompts. If the prompt is needed again in the future simply click 'Reset Dialogs' in Mod Organizers settings menu. Unofficial PatchesThe unofficial patch project is a comprehensive bug fixing mod for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, the goal of which is to eventually fix every bug with Skyrim and its DLCs not officially resolved by the developers to the limits of the Creation Kit and other community-developed tools in one easy-to-install package. The features of the unofficial patches include:.
Hundreds of gameplay, quest, NPC, object, item, text and placement bugs fixed already, and plenty more on the way. Created by the authors of the Unofficial Oblivion Patch. No unsafe changes (such as deletions of stock objects). Designed to be compatible with as many other mods as possible.
Beta-tested with over fifteen thousand downloads.The unofficial patches are flagged as 'False ESMs'. This means that the extension of the files is ESP but they are flagged in the header as ESM files to overcome Skyrim engine limitations. Unfortunately, some mod authors have not adopted using the unofficial patches as a base for their mod changes and thus some mods may overwrite records that contain fixes in them. InstallOverrides: Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition PatchMod Notes: This mod fixes the vanilla issue of dragon corpses sometimes randomly spawning near the player when changing cells post absorption.Author: egocaribVersion: 1.2Mod Notes: There is a game engine bug that causes weapon enchantments to drain more charges after the player saves and reload the game. The price of enchanted weapons also jumps significantly higher. These problems become worse as enchanting skill increases. Once the player character has reached a high level and begins placing more than one enchantment on a weapon, the charges can drain extremely quickly after game reload.
This mod fixes those issues.Mod Dependencies(As Configured):.Author: AlekVersion: 1.3Mod Notes: This mod changes a few base scripts and as a result followers and summoned creatures should no longer trigger traps. InstallSpecial Installation: After Installation, remove the following file(s) and/or folder(s):. Docs folderOverrides: Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition PatchMod Notes: In Skyrim walking into a butterfly or similar critter will stop you like hitting a solid wall. The Unofficial Patch Project Team fixed that problem in the Unofficial Skyrim patches, but the way they fixed it made the critters immune to projectiles.
This mod redoes the collision data in the.nif files so now the player can pass through the critters while still allowing them to be hit by projectiles and melee attacks. The same edits were also made to the fish meshes, so the player no longer get shoved around by pond fish or salmon while swimming or wading but can still do some bow or fireball fishing if the mood strikes. The dead fish even bob to the surface for easy collecting.
InstallOverrides: SkyUIMod Notes: Exploration is a huge part of Skyrim and there are many locations that can be hard to find and easy to lose or miss. These mods help by adding map markers to hundreds of locations.Mod Dependencies(As Configured):.Author: Kronixx and kryptopyrVersion: 2.0Overrides: Atlas Map Markers for Skyrim Blackreach Dawnguard and DragonbornMod Notes: This is an update to Kronixx's great mod, Atlas Map Markers. It adds MCM options with full control over not only the new map markers, but all of the vanilla map markers as well.Mod Dependencies(As Configured):.The World Of Skyrim Dynamic LODAuthor: ShesonVersion: 2.18 (Main File + Resources). Notice: This mod is not completely installed until the executables are run in the of the guide.Author: Ehamloptiran, Sheson, and the TES5Edit TeamVersion: 1.0 (Vanilla Skyrim LOD Billboards)Mod Notes: This mod is a tool used to create LODs for objects and trees. It is included with TES5Edit, therefore the tool itself does not need to be downloaded here - only the vanilla tree billboards.Mod Dependencies(As Configured):.World ExpansionsThis category is for unofficial expansions and quests that create new worldspaces and add to the richness and story of Skyrim.Author: Alexander J VelickyVersion: 1.2.1finalSpecial Installation: Do not install the following file(s) and/or folder(s):Main File. Falskaar1.2.1ReadMe.txtMod Notes: Falskaar is a new lands mod that adds an entirely new worldspace to the world. It's accessed by a dungeon the first time, then by boat from then on out.
Falskaar's goal was to act as a DLC, adding content in almost every area. There is a new land, places, people, quests, dungeons and more for the player to experience.
It adds roughly 20+ hours of content, and favors all types of characters.DDSOpt Processing Required:. All: 8192x8192 (default)Modified and Expanded QuestsAuthor: ArthmoorVersion: 3.1.4Special Installation: Do not install the following file(s) and/or folder(s):. Alternate Start - Live Another Life Dungeon Compatibility.txt. Alternate Start - Live Another Life Extension Documentation.txt. Alternate Start - Live Another Life.bsl.
Alternate Start - Live Another Life.txtMod Notes: Misery and despair have haunted the player all their life. Just when they thought it could not get any worse, they've been arrested and thrown in the dungeons. Their trial was supposed to be weeks ago, only nobody has come for them. It's been so long since seeing daylight they no longer know what month it is anymore. The dungeon is cold, damp, and worse still, they are running out of food. At least there is that leak in the wall for water. It seems as though they have been forgotten, soon to rot away and die.
The eight have forsaken them. Or have they?Live Another Life provides an alternative means to start the game for those who do not wish to go through the lengthy intro sequence at Helgen. The player will be given the opportunity to choose a race and then a new life to lead. A wide variety of choices will be available.
What is choosen will have a lasting impact, so choose carefully or the gods may forsake them again!Author: ArthmoorVersion: 2.0.2Optionals: RSC - CRF PatchSpecial Installation: Do not install the following file(s) and/or folder(s):Main File:. Cutting Room Floor.bsl. Cutting Room Floor.txtOverrides: Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition PatchMod Notes: From the depths of the ether, or just the cutting room floor, comes forth several NPCs, some quests, and other miscellaneous content which was created but never implemented in the game. If ever it felt as if Skyrim was missing something, it was! This mod should relieve a bit of that. This mod contains mostly generic NPCs with no purpose, quests that were complete but cut for some reason, random bits of stuff to be found, and even a town.Author: Whickus and William ImmVersion: 1.5.7a.
InstallOverrides: Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition PatchMod Notes: This mod enhances the quest descriptions in the vanilla game so that the player has a clear sense of where they are supposed to go and what they are supposed to do besides looking at the quest markers.Mod Dependencies(As Configured):.Author: ArthmoorVersion: 1.2.6Special Installation: Do not install the following file(s) and/or folder(s):. Gildergreen Regrown.txtMod Notes: Danica asked for sap from the Eldergleam to revive the dead Gildergreen in Whiterun. Instead, Maurice convinced the Dovahkiin to bring back a sapling.
All is now well in Whiterun, except for one small thing. That sapling deserves to grow into a nice big healthy proper replacement for the dead tree.Author: ArthmoorVersion: 2.0.0Special Installation: Do not install the following file(s) and/or folder(s):. Provincial Courier Service.bsl. Provincial Courier Service.txtMod Notes: Skyrim's courier is an industrious young lad who can be seen all over the province, yet doesn't seem to have anywhere to live and/or work. He seems able to find the Dovahkiin at will, but what if the player wanted to find HIM? Even if it would be a meaningless encounter, one should still expect a living breathing NPC that takes part in the world to have some place to work at and call home. No longer will the poor courier simply be dragged from his mystery cell and dropped in front of the player to make his deliveries.
Thus is born the Provincial Courier Service.Mod Dependencies(As Configured):.Author: kryptopyrVersion: 1.6Special Installation: Do not install the following file(s) and/or folder(s):. readmes folderOverrides: Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition PatchMod Notes: Stop random greetings, comments, and rumors from triggering quests, as well as having forced encounters with NPCs automatically trigger the start of a quest. Now those quests won't be activated unless the player decides to pursue them. Rumors and gossip are just that. Rumors and gossip. Some are worth investigating further, others are not.Author: MannyGTVersion: 2.2Optionals: The Notice Board - Dragonborn PatchSpecial Installation: Do not install the following file(s) and/or folder(s):Main File:. notice board - readme.txtMod Notes: This mod is a radiant quest overhaul and framework.
It adds notice boards to each city and town in Skyrim offering both single time quests and repeatable/randomized (radiant) quests.Author: AndrealphusVIIIVersion: 2.5aMod Notes: This mod extends by adding a notice board to Amber Creek in Falskaar.Author: ArthmoorVersion: 1.2.9Special Installation: Do not install the following file(s) and/or folder(s):. The Paarthurnax Dilemma.bsl. The Paarthurnax Dilemma.txtMod Notes: Disappointed with how ruthless and unforgiving the Blades were at the end of the main quest? Felt like the Dovahkiin should have been able to put their foot down and make them see reason? Well now they can!Author: kryptopyrVersion: 3.0Special Installation: Do not install the following file(s) and/or folder(s):. readmes folderOverrides: The Choice Is Yours, Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition PatchMod Notes: The Thieves Guild is now for thieves only. The player will no longer be approached by Brynjolf immediately upon entering Riften.
Brynjolf is now a much better judge of character. He won't consider the Dovahkiin a potential recruit for the Guild until actually doing a bit of dirty work. If the player has never stolen anything, the Thieves Guild quest line will never be activated. Additional requirements can also be set that must be met before allowing progress in the Thieves Guild quest line.Author: kryptopyrVersion: 2.02Special Installation: Do not install the following file(s) and/or folder(s):. Readmes folderMod Notes: The primary function of this mod is to adjust the starting requirements for quests that are only triggered once the player reaches a certain level. Earlier or later, whatever the reasons, it's entirely up to the player. Change the requirements for all 17 included quests, or just change one of them.
All of the default settings used by this mod are the vanilla defaults, so none of the quest requirements will change until the player decides to change them.Weather SystemsAuthor: MangaclubVersion: 1.39. InstallMod Notes: Vivid Weathers is the latest and biggest Weather and Visual Overhaul for Skyrim.
It overhauls all the Skyrim Weathers and imagespaces as well as add a whole bunch of new Weathers (500+) and effects (Snowstorms, blizzards, thick fog, distant fogs, distant rain, particle snowflakes.) and much more! It includes all features of Real skyrim Snowflakes, Vivid Clouds & Fogs, COT, ESS and SS. It is especially tweaked to look stunning without a ENB in use - so also weaker Rigs get immersive weathers.Mod Dependencies(As Configured):.ENB Related Data FilesAuthor: MangaclubVersion: 7.50.
I am now level 43 with my build looking Smithing(100) Alchemy(100) Enchanting(100) OneHand(85) Heavy Armor(76) Block(60)So this is the armor I decided on using for my main armor right now. Its enchanted with +Health +Stamina Regen + One handed + Block and my jerwlery is all enchanted with Magic resistance. I made them by buffing my smithing with fortify smithing and using a foritfy enchanting potion. I am aware there is a exploit where you can get really really powerful armor by doing a glitch when fortify restoration but I didn't do that.
This armor is exploit free but still pretty good. My visible armor rating is at 659 and my magic resisence is capped at 85. I also have the spellbreaker shield that protects me from most magic attacks in game. Speaking of this shield it took me so damn long to beat the boss who had it. My dps was not high enough to beat him the first time since he heals so I had to leave and level up and grab pots and come back and I beat him on like my last potThis is lydia in full ebony armor with the same smithing and enchanting that I have on my armor.
Click to expand.That's a badass armor. Is that a Stalrim heavy set? I never wore those but I have seen enemies with it. Also, the ebony armor of your follower is not quite normal it seems. It has been a while since I've seen a complete ebony set but this one seems custom. You were right not to use the Fortify Restoration glitch: it is useless for armor.
The max armor rating you can get in Skyrim is 567, plus 100 bonus for wearing a complete set. You are very close to that cap with your normal armor, no need to cheat.
I never liked fighting the dragons in this game. They're so fucking tedious. Fly around, land for a few seconds, fly around some more. The only reason it takes so damn long to beat them, is because for 85% of the encounter, they're impossible to hit, unless you're a mage, or an archer, and even then they're a pain in the ass.I hope in the next game, the big baddies are land based. Just take a cue from Fallout, and make some Deathclaw things, or some super powerful giant enemies. Can't stand the those damn dragons.
Click to expand.That is reason enough to progress the main quest to Partunax and learn Dragonrend before venturing forth on Legendary. I normally don't bother because I have a good bow and know how to use shouts properly. An easy-to-get shout like Marked for Death will cut the time it takes to kill a dragon in half!
Also, don't be afraid to carry a ring, necklace and circlet of archery, just for dragons. They weight nothing and you don't need good armor when the Dragon is flying. If you have 4 pieces with 20% archery bonus each, your bow will do 80% more damage. Add Marked for Death to that and it will go fast, you'll see.
Resist and absorb magic protects you from breathes too, keep that in mind. Click to expand.Although I understand, I don't know if I would be proud. It would be like a MW player bragging about never using the scope to aim or never snipe. Sure it must make the game much harder but why disregard such a crucial mechanic of the game?Shouts are awesome.
You can combine them for crazy results. You can accelerate the cooling time by 40% with an amulet of Talos and a shrine blessing. Add the Morokei mask and you now have 60% better cooldown.So you enter combat, shout 'Slow Time' and start bashing helpless enemies. By the time they're free from your shout, you can shout again!
Fire Elemental Skyrim
Let's go with 'Elemental Fury' and finish them off! A fork and a knife should be enough at this point:Don't disregard Skyrim's possibilities: they are endless. Finished the game and what to find some more adventures for your hero?
Okay boys and girls time for some Skyrim Quest Mod reviews!1. The Forgotten City by ModernStoryteller. This award winning mod is available of PC and Xbox. It is a fully voiced mod which is perfect for higher level characters as it relies more on using your mind then your sword arm. Multiple endings are possible and vastly affect what will be available to you after the story is done.
An engrossing story, interesting characters, moral decisions and a unique game mechanic make this mod perhaps the best quest mod for Skyrim there is.2. Falskaar by AlexanderJVelicky. This is an older mod that many maybe familiar with already. Available for PC and Xbox, this mod takes you to the island of Falskaar just off the coast of Skyrim. The island is large, as large as Solstheim, and has a fantastic design which makes it feel much larger yet. It is also beautiful as well.
The story is engaging, but some of the elements don't make as much sense when played with a very powerful character, however. A modest player home is available, with it own little secrete. The mod is fully voiced, with good voice acting and fairly good dialog. In the end, Falskaar can feel like a home away from home.3. The Gray Cowl of Nocturnal by MannyGT. This is the perfect mod of any thief character. Developed for higher level characters as a high skill level in sneaking and lock picking are required.
It is fully voiced, however there are not many unique NPCs along the way. This does not take away from the straight of the mod with are it's puzzles and locations. You will travel to a forgotten section of the Alik'r desert in search of your prize. Along the way you must beware of trap, which are really deadly, and solve very clever puzzles. Not only is he back drop for this mod amazing, the new sound track ties it all together.
Always think like a thief. This mod is available for PC and Xbox. The PC version on the Nexus does have high resolution patch available. Although I understand, I don't know if I would be proud. It would be like a MW player bragging about never using the scope to aim or never snipe. Sure it must make the game much harder but why disregard such a crucial mechanic of the game?Shouts are awesome.
You can combine them for crazy results. You can accelerate the cooling time by 40% with an amulet of Talos and a shrine blessing. Add the Morokei mask and you now have 60% better cooldown.So you enter combat, shout 'Slow Time' and start bashing helpless enemies.

By the time they're free from your shout, you can shout again! Let's go with 'Elemental Fury' and finish them off! A fork and a knife should be enough at this point:Don't disregard Skyrim's possibilities: they are endless. Click to expand. It's a slow process but you get the hang of it in a few hours.
My advice: use the difficulty slider plenty at first! Go into the dungeon at Legendary but lower it if you struggle too much. See if you can find a good spot to bottle your opponent and finish him/them. Reload, slide it back to Legendary. See how it goes when you summon a Frost Atronach at the entrance of the tunnel and just pepper the enemies with arrows!
That's one example of viable Legendary tactics: there are tons of them. Click to expand.Block can be useful. It only becomes really viable with the Ordinator: perks of Skyrim mod. If not, you are entirely right: dual wield is beast. My latest build is a werewolf so I tried the Moonlight mod. I decided to rely on vanilla perks to highlight the new werewolf perks. 100 in one-handed, specialized in dual wield.
I rip flesh in Werewolf form but in human form, I only carry a knife and a fork. And Elemental Fury, of course! If the enemy is too stubborn to be eaten, I will summon a bound sword as 'magic knife' and still use the fork to rip his flesh, on the off-hand!At that point, I switch from Elemental Fury to any of the dozen shouts I prefer. Do I send them flying?
Do I slow time, do I make it rain? It's a mess of crazy combinations! Use Talos as a guide, wear his amulet and shrine to carry your voice!Tiber Septim will smile on you! And ask for your glorious recipes!Miam, miam: giant meat.
Knife and fork first, then turn into a werewolf for the mammoths!Of course, I always post this one too for effect. Finished the game and what to find some more adventures for your hero? Okay boys and girls time for some Skyrim Quest Mod reviews!1. The Forgotten City by ModernStoryteller.
This award winning mod is available of PC and Xbox. It is a fully voiced mod which is perfect for higher level characters as it relies more on using your mind then your sword arm. Multiple endings are possible and vastly affect what will be available to you after the story is done. An engrossing story, interesting characters, moral decisions and a unique game mechanic make this mod perhaps the best quest mod for Skyrim there is.2. Falskaar by AlexanderJVelicky.
This is an older mod that many maybe familiar with already. Available for PC and Xbox, this mod takes you to the island of Falskaar just off the coast of Skyrim.
The island is large, as large as Solstheim, and has a fantastic design which makes it feel much larger yet. It is also beautiful as well. The story is engaging, but some of the elements don't make as much sense when played with a very powerful character, however.
A modest player home is available, with it own little secrete. The mod is fully voiced, with good voice acting and fairly good dialog. In the end, Falskaar can feel like a home away from home.3. The Gray Cowl of Nocturnal by MannyGT.
This is the perfect mod of any thief character. Developed for higher level characters as a high skill level in sneaking and lock picking are required. It is fully voiced, however there are not many unique NPCs along the way. This does not take away from the straight of the mod with are it's puzzles and locations. You will travel to a forgotten section of the Alik'r desert in search of your prize.
Along the way you must beware of trap, which are really deadly, and solve very clever puzzles. Not only is he back drop for this mod amazing, the new sound track ties it all together. Always think like a thief. This mod is available for PC and Xbox. The PC version on the Nexus does have high resolution patch available.